Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Project 365 - Week 3

Why yes, the blog did get a facelift, thanks for noticing. This is actually the design for the new Polkadot Door site, but I liked it so much I figured I better have it here too, especially since the new Polkadot Door blog isn't going to be released until late April, I get to see it in action here much sooner ... For this week, there were only 6 days in between this and the last post but you still get 7 pictures anyways. Just pretend its been a week, ok? :-)

Day 1 : Naughty card
We went into the library on this day and I thought I was being rather ingenious bringing my camera with me. So much of my setting for my daily pictures are right here in the home that an opportunity to have a different backdrop and props was a grand idea I thought. Apparently my camera card thought otherwise because it decided to stay home and since my camera doesn't have an internal memory, I got no pictures of the munchkins pouring over their favourite books. All I have, is a picture of the missing, and now found, card.

Day 2 : Anna
Miss Anna Grace came down with some very strange flu bug on friday. It only lasted the morning, and by mid afternoon she was her bright and cheery little self again. Scared me a little though, I had visions of all of the kids being grouchy and miserable with tummy flus. Thankfully, like most times, my wildest fears never materialized ...

Day 3 : Piano Man
Er, I mean James. The electric Yamaha has prerecorded songs that the little kids have learned to turn on. James especially loves sitting at the keyboard and pretending that it is in fact himself at the keys. He gets frustrated with his piano lessons because he can't play as well as he can when Rachel isn't teaching him! He usually has a very captive audience during these jam sessions as Anna and Benji both take turns dancing to the music.

Day 4 : Us
I think I read somewhere that you aren't supposed to have favourites. I'd like to make it rather clear that I don't agree. I'm rather happy having a favourite person. Having a favourite person means that they take you to home shows, and buy you coffee and supper, and then sit for hours talking about everything. That is precisely what we did on day 4, which is why we're both smiling so big.

Day 5 : Ticket to Ride
I lost, Philip won. End of story.

Day 6 : No Name
I really really like this picture. I realize that I don't have professional photos most of the time (if ever) but one thing I am learning about taking pictures is that its not about having the most technically sounds photos. Its about capturing memories. The two weeks that Mom and Dad were away helped to reestablish some relationships with my siblings which might not have been the best before. I'm reminded in looking at this photo that regardless of how I feel about the kids sometimes, I love them an awful lot. I'm grateful to be here and have the privilege of being big sister to these two (and the 5 others!).

Day 7 : Telus World of Science
I decided this was the best day of the whole week, even though at the beginning I had no idea it would be so. We (Junur and I) took our 7, as well as Emma and Isaac to the Science Centre which was an adventure enough for the day. But .... half way through the experience my favourite person showed up, happy occurrence #1. Then we went home, Junur bought Dutch Blitz cards, Mom and Dad showed up early .... with dropies and chocolate and adorable little delft christmas tree balls, and Rachel gave me Tangled. Best ... day ..... ever!


ByronM said...

now that was a pretty nice surprise!! I think you should post a day early every week :-) and I like the fact that I'm in two of your stories even better :-)

ByronM said...

oh, and the polkadot door link at the upper left corner is ded :-) I believe you might have called it polkadot door desings :-)

Rebecca Mosher said...

I knew that, and now its fixed. Just 'cause the button is there doesn't mean you are supposed to click it ;-P

Jennifer said...

I love reading about your weekly happenings!! Your writing sounds just like you...makes me miss you even more! We should start planning a trip where we see each other....or at least a Skype conversation! :)

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